Download Ruby On Rails For Mac

(Related article: ) Step 1. Upgrade Your System to OS X Mavericks Installing Ruby on Rails is simple, but unless you have an old Mac machine (a pre ‘08 model), you should seriously consider upgrading your system to OS X Mavericks (10.9). It comes with the latest improvements from Apple, and it’s completely free!

You can for this upgrade. Install XCode Command Line Developer Tools We need to first install Apple’s XCode Command Line Developer Tools, so that we can use the build tools and utilities that come with it to build Ruby gem native extensions and install other system packages. This used to be a lengthy process, but if you are on Mavericks, all you have to do is to run this command in your terminal. 1 which brew you should see the response as /usr/local/bin/brew Step 4.

Install Ruby with RBENV Your Mac already ships with Ruby (we used it to install homebrew in the last step). However, it’s still a good idea to use a Ruby version manager because:. the system Ruby is likely outdated and you may want to use the latest Ruby version to leverage the new features. you may need to work on multiple projects on different Ruby Versions RVM and RBENV are the two leading Ruby version managers. I prefer RBENV because it’s a simpler and lighter weight solution, and together with bundler, it solves the project gemset problem in a more elegant way. We can just use homebrew to install rbenv. 1 2 git config -global 'Your Name Here' git config -global '' Github is the leading platform for source code hosting and collaboration.


If you don’t have an account yet, go ahead and sign up for one at Make sure you sign up with the same email address from the step above. For easier authentication with Github when you push or pull code, follow to set up ssh keys for your Mac. Create a New Rails Application If you don’t have a directory to hold all your development projects yet, you can create that directory like below. 1 plugins =(git brew osx vagrant wd gem ) If you do not like the default theme, you can pick from one of the many themes that come with oh-my-zsh. You can see the list of themes. If you feel really adventurous, you can even build your own theme! Take a look at, and copy/tweak/build one exactly to your taste!

Optional step 2. Install Postgresql as a production quality database By default, Rails uses sqlite3 as the default development database. It’s a nice database but probably not one that you want to use in production. Postgresql is a solid, production quality relational database and works well with Rails. It’s generally a good idea to set up your local database to match the database on the production environment. The easiest way to use Postgresql on Mac is to download and install the With Postgresql running, add gem 'pg' to the Gemfile in your rails project and run bundle install to install the Postgresql Ruby driver.

Talks about how to set up with Postgres in detail. You can skip the “taps” part if you don’t already have data that needs to be migrated. You just made it to the end of our first rails tutorial, and have now set up your local Ruby on Rails development environment like a pro, now it’s time to start coding.:) Feb 7 th, 2014. by Kevin Wang Get Our Newsletter Beginner focused news, tutorials and coding tips.

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Join Kevin Skoglund as he shows how to create full-featured, object-oriented web applications with the latest version of the popular, open-source Ruby on Rails framework. This course explores each part of the framework, best practices, and real-world development techniques. Plus, get hands-on experience by building a complete content management system with dynamic, database-driven content. Kevin teaches how to design an application; route browser requests to return dynamic page content; structure and interact with databases using object-oriented programming; create, update, and delete records; and implement user authentication.

Previous experience with Ruby is recommended, but not required. Instructor. Kevin Skoglund builds custom web solutions at Nova Fabrica, and teaches web development to others at Kevin Skoglund is the founder of, a web development agency specialized in delivering custom, scalable solutions using Ruby on Rails, PHP, SQL, and related technologies. Nova Fabrica clients include An Event Apart, Atlas Carpet Mills, Consulate Film, Gregorius Pineo, Maharam, Oakley, and The Bold Italic. Kevin is a author with over 15 years of teaching and web development experience.

By: Kevin Skoglund course. 6h 57m 47s.

18,124 viewers. Course Transcript In this movie we will makes sure you have the correct version of Ruby installed and if not I will walk you through the steps to get it installed and up to date. There's three main versions of Ruby which you're likely to come across. These are recent versions. The first of those is version 1.8, the version that was released a long time ago but it was very popular and it stuck around for a long time. It was a large span of time before we released 1.9. So 1.8 is out there.

And very popular. And in fact it came pre-installed on all Mac Operating Systems starting with version 10.5. That's Tiger. So starting with Tiger all the way through Mac OS 10.8 which is Mountain Lion. Version 1.8 is pre-installed and ready to go. Now most cases that's version 1.87.

But there's a big problem with all of these 1.8 versions. And that is that they're no longer supported. And when I said that, I don't just mean that they won't work with Ruby on rails. I mean that the development team of the Ruby language. Practice while you learn with exercise files. Watch this course anytime, anywhere. Course Contents.

Download Ruby On Rails For Mac Download

Introduction Introduction. 1.

What Is Ruby on Rails? What Is Ruby on Rails? Installing Ruby on Rails on a Mac 2. Installing Ruby on Rails on a Mac. 3.

Installing Ruby on Rails on a Windows Machine 3. Installing Ruby on Rails on a Windows Machine.

4. Getting Started 4. Getting Started. 5. Controllers, Views, and Dynamic Content 5. Controllers, Views, and Dynamic Content.

6. Databases and Migrations 6. Databases and Migrations. 7.

Models, ActiveRecord, and ActiveRelation 7. Models, ActiveRecord, and ActiveRelation. 8.

Associations 8. Associations. 9.

Controllers and CRUD 9. Controllers and CRUD. 10. Layouts, Partials, and View Helpers 10. Layouts, Partials, and View Helpers.

11. Assets. 12.

Forms. 13. Data Validation 13.

Data Validation. 14. User Authentication 14. User Authentication.

15. Improving the Simple CMS 15.

Improving the Simple CMS. 16.

REST and RESTful Routes 16. REST and RESTful Routes. 17. Debugging and Error Handling 17. Debugging and Error Handling.

18. Introducing More Advanced Topics 18. Introducing More Advanced Topics.

Conclusion Conclusion.