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Update 12th May 2017: At the moment, we offer best prices for the realm. 100g now costs only €4.95, which is almost x2 decrease in cost. We apologize for not being able to timely update our website as we were busy with developing the site for. Update 21th April 2017: The server economy starts to become more stable, hence we lowered our Wargate gold package prices. Are available, too.

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Update 11th April 2017: The old Hellground server was shut down few days after it's launch and is now available again as the. Gold is available for both factions, with limited packages for the time being.

Is the fresh re-release of the older Hellground 2.4.3 TBC (The Burning Crusade) WoW Server. This new one, is aimed at the international community, and was under development for several months. Our website, Gold4Hellground, was launched to lend a hand to every player that might need the precious gold currency on this amazing realm. Our gold is handfarmed by our local team and our network of partners, who are always carefully selected for ultimate security. If you are a gold farmer, please take a look at this. If you haven't purchased before, you might want to see this. FAQ - for using Gold4Hellground services.