Ranchero.com: Marsedit Nominated For Mac

This functionality has been requested ( Posts made by w.Bloggar seem to be an entry other than 'Story,' which is what I want. I don't see any way to make w.Blogger post to this node type.) and ( they automatically post 'personal blog entry' node types, I'd want them to post 'story' nodes). My judgement is that blogapi could readily be used considerably beyond the limited blog application.

This small change would make the highly developed blogapi into a tool for general site posting rather than restricting it to what is, for many sites, a little-used medium, the blog. or to post comments. An idea: Since blogid is a string identifier according to the APIs, why not allow node types to be selected by using the name of the node type itself? You could keep the checkbox list of available nodes in the blogapi settings page (blog option on by default), which would also list what blogid string you need to enter in your remote client to access it. This way you can add them in incrementally. Legacy support via the user's system # could be maintained, but 'blog' as a blogid would become the preferred way of 'editing own blog.'

(Obviously, you can't do more than your own, given the simplicity of the APIs.) Even more hardcore would be to implement this into a hook, so other modules could add blogapi support (I'm thinking 'quotes' for one). Since you would identify by the node type, there's no overlap. or to post comments. Here is an updated patch partially addressing Moshe's suggestion to remove hard-coded module references. I've left in hard-coded references in the 'edit own.' Instance because the word needed is different from the module name (e.g., 'stories' for the story module).

Why not allow node types to be selected by using the name of the node type itself? I don't fully understand the suggestion of using the node type as an id. The id is set (I'm thinking) by the server-but the client has to first make the posting.

How would a client select which type to create? Right now, MarsEdit can't use Drupal categories because of limitations in the XML-RPC API (according to brent @ ranchero.com). It sounds like this kind of general change would enable me to use MarsEdit (or any other blog editor )to its fullest potentional. This patch won't I think do anything to address that issue. The new release candidate of w.bloggar also seems to fail to set categories (when used in Movable Type mode).

Likely we need to update the handling of category requests. or to post comments.

Here's a patch that implements multiple node types using the (admittedly very clever) blogid hack. Basically, you will appear to have 'separate blogs' for each node type that you can post to. (yes moshe, posting will fail for recipies and events, etc) you can maintain different taxonomy vocabularies for each node type - which will work. For those having trouble with MarsEdit: try setting the 'Software' to movabletype. It works for me with 1.0b12. Brent has an old profile for drupal in there it seems - back when we only did blogger api. Please give this patch a try and offer feedback.

Thanks:). or to post comments. Nedjo: essentially this patch follows teradome's suggestion to make use of the formerly unused 'blogid' parameter that exists as part of the APIs - specifically using that parameter to specify the node type to create.

How.exactly. this is used on the client side is dependent on how the client handles the fact that the API allows for multiple blogs per user account. I don't have access to a windows machine at the moment, so I can't tell you specifically for w.bloggar, but i'll give you two examples from the mac world: attached to this issue is a screenshot of ecto which is my preferred app. As you can see on my 'local test' account i have 3 'blogs' - blog,page and story. Thus posting to the 'story' blog creates a new story.

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Marsedit does not automatically list all blogs for a user account, rather you must specify a single blog id for each account. So, you'd enter 'blog' (for example). Where as that previously defaulted to your userid (and was unused). Does that make sense?. or to post comments.

Thanks for the explanation, I get it now. This approach has the clear advantage (over what I'd suggested) of enabling a user to select from various node types rather than a single server-designated one. But it depends on settings on the client. This means extra instructions to users, instructions that will vary by the client. More importantly, some clients won't support this functionality. For example, I don't find a way to specify multiple blogs per user with w.bloggar (a commonly used client for Windows users).

So, while this is in my view definitely an improvement on the existing module, it doesn't fully meet the identified need. I would therefore like to see this patch in combination with the changes I suggested. I.e., user can select which node type to post to (as per walkah patch), admin can set default type if no type designated by user (my patch). That way there is advanced functionality for clients that support it and a default solution for clients that don't.

Also, likely we should have an admin setting to limit the list generated by function blogapigetnodetypes to designated types. I hard-coded this to 'blog', 'page', and 'story', but we could instead have a multiple select. or to post comments.

If you can't specify multiple blogs per user, the client is broken. Seriously - it means it won't work with Blogger or Blogware, to name two I know of right of the bat that support multiple blogs per user. Reading through w.bloggar's site, it does support multiple blogs for Blogger. If someone on Windows could verify that it also works with James' patch, I think we're done. As walkah recently posted on his blog, we need to try and get better APIs, rather than continually kloodging on both the client and server side because of the limitation of the API.


Ranchero.com Marsedit Nominated For Macbeth

or to post comments. Is there a.diff file to go from the 4.5.2 distribution blogapi.module ( v 1.33 2004/10/18 18:40:53 ) all the way to the current blogapi.module ( v 1.36? 31 Jan 2005 18:28:35 )? Or, do I need to find the all the versions referenced in the diffs/patch files, and apply each of them in sequence? I do not appear to get some of the functions discussed earlier, no list of blog-page-story anywhere.

I can make it work in MarsEdit with 2 accounts and setting the blog ID to 'blog' on one and 'page' on the other, but I don't see any where in the ecto user interface to set the blog ID. Thanks. or to post comments.

Check for updates,. Changes Multiple significant performance improvements that will be especially noticeable with high feed counts. Sidebar: Delete command now in contextual menu and in gear menu. Sidebar: scrolls to show feed or folder, when needed, when going to the next unread article. Timeline: contextual menu command to select feed in sidebar.

Detail view: fixed — at least mostly — an issue where the detail view’s web view might flash white while in dark mode. Detail view: give URL status bar a dark background color when in Dark Mode.

Sharing: sort articles by publication date on sharing. Sharing: set email subject when sharing to Mail. Window title now reflects sidebar selection. (Which will only be noticeable in the Window menu, but will be meaningful when we add support for tabs.) Dock icon menu now includes Refresh command. Subscriptions are now stored as an OPML file instead of a plist, which means you don’t even have to export to OPML to get an OPML version of your feeds. Feed metadata is now stored in Settings.odb.

Toolbar: Mark As Read toggles back and forth between states. Feed Directory: Add to Feeds button now works, though we want to revisit the UI. In the days of NetNewsWire Lite 1.0, in 2002, you had to roll your own preference-pane switcher. The look here was stolen from Xcode — or maybe it was still Project Builder? I’m not sure — but was my own code. (Pretty simple code, though.) I don’t seem to have a screenshot of the General preferences, but I have Colors and Downloading.

I did a Colors pane because I knew that one way to have people love an app is to make it malleable — they can make it their own, they can spend some time with it, maybe feel a little bit of sense of ownership (at least over their own instance of it). It’s not the only way for people to love an app! In fact, this kind of thing — too many preferences, too much fiddling — can really go against people falling in love with an app.

But I think this was okay in 2002, when we had so many fewer apps and more time to play with each of them. (A goal for NetNewsWire 5 is to have the least amount of preferences possible, and for people to love the app for other reasons.) The Downloading preferences had a slider for how aggressively the app should download feeds. Broadband was still fairly rare, and this was important for some people. I didn’t make it up — NetNewsWire was certainly not the only app to have this kind of slider.

NetNewsWire 5 has no such slider.:) Also note that it says “When downloading news” — I was still for fear of scaring people. I have no idea why I didn’t center the slider section. Probably just an oversight. In NetNewsWire 1.x, I made sure the add-feed sheet was as simple as possible. My thinking at the time was that this was a moment of high anxiety, since subscribing to a URL was very much a brand-new thing. It looked like this — just one text field for the feed URL: Note that it required the actual RSS URL — these days you can just use the home page URL and NetNewsWire will find the feed.

Ranchero.com: Marsedit Nominated For Mac 2017

And, since this is no longer an unfamiliar thing to do, we can make the add-feed sheet a bit more useful. (Hopefully not too cluttered, though.) So this is what it looks like in NetNewsWire 5. The feed directory — known as the “Sites Drawer” — really was an old-fashioned NSDrawer.

It was an utterly appropriate use for drawers. (Most uses weren’t.) I used the term “site” rather than “feed.” Remember that RSS was brand-new to people, and so I wanted to emphasize that these things are websites, that you’re really reading a site. I also thought that “feed” would scare people off. (It was before Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. The word “feed” was not in common use for internet things yet.) It may have been the right call at the time — but these days, in NetNewsWire 5, it’s just called the Feeds Directory. (And it’s not in a drawer! ’Cuz they’re gone.).

Many years ago — I think it was in NetNewsWire 1.x, but it could have been 2.x — I got an email from a writer (who I won’t name) letting me know he was writing a book about Mac apps, and he planned to write about NetNewsWire. I thought this was great! I thanked him, of course, and let him know I’d be happy to answer any questions. Some time later — memory suggests it was just a couple weeks — he wrote me about one of the entries in the “Sites Drawer,” the feed directory that appeared in the app. In an NSDrawer.) It was a feed that reported on and promoted LGBTQ civil rights, including marriage equality. (Which wasn’t the law of the land at the time, which must have been around 2004 or 2005.) He objected: he would not write about the app as long as that feed was in there. He apologized and said his personal convictions would not allow it.

I was proud of the feed directory. There were about a thousand feeds, and we worked pretty hard on it, and we made sure there were conservative as well as liberal feeds in there. (We didn’t try to make it 50-50, but we did make sure blogs like were in there.) Anyway: I didn’t remove the feed. (I don’t think he asked directly: he just laid out the consequences — no write-up — of my not removing it.) I don’t know, because I never went looking, to see if his book got published. He had published earlier books, including one that I had actually learned a lot from, years prior.

No kicker here. Just a story. NetNewsWire 1.x included an outliner — a single-document notepad for storing thoughts, links, RSS articles, and so on. The idea was that you’re not just a casual reader, you’re a researcher or blogger or reporter and you need a notepad that understands the web.

The screenshot explains more: You might think it was nuts to also include an outliner — but, in a way, it wasn’t. The only other real competition was Radio UserLand, which included an outliner. (And a ton of other things.) I had just come from working at UserLand, and I wanted a notepad with my RSS reader, so I wrote one.:) I was actually pretty proud of this work, but I dropped it for NetNewsWire 2. It really needed to be a separate app. The plan was to separate the blog editor into a separate app — which became. The outliner was also supposed to be split out into an app called MoonLiner.

And the three app icons would be the Earth, the Moon, and Mars. Mars the farthest away, because that’s what you’re actually putting out there. The Moon for your notes and research and saved items. My idea for the icon was something like a passenger jet in space — a MoonLiner — with the moon as background. But I had my hands full with just splitting out MarsEdit and all the new features in NetNewsWire 2, and informal polling told me that pretty much nobody used the outliner component, so I dropped it entirely.

Plus: I already loved! Some features I was thinking about for future versions: Twitter/Facebook as types of accounts Multiple Google Reader accounts; treating Google Reader like IMAP Plugins API for developers - sharing - observers - preferences - feed parsers - anything else that could possibly be component-ized Modern version of Sites Drawer - not a drawer, but an easy way for people to find cool feeds to read. Panic button - mark things older than some date as read Extendible search engine feed definitions - use same definitions as FeedDemon Expand shortened URLs automatically Inline video/audio/image-slide-show for enclosures Flickr (and similar) feeds displayed as grid of images Configurable keyboard shortcuts Hide feeds with 0 unread items Combined View: mark read when it scrolls into view, not on selection Local (non-synced) account for iOS versions Specify different themes/styles/views for different feeds Filters - like smart lists, but more powerful. Can delete things.

Can sort things into bins (pseudofeeds; collections). Delete article Tabbed browser for iPad version User tagging LSM - auto-tag. LSM - relevance. Not sure it's possible. The idea is using it as the opposite of a spam-catcher - catch the stuff most likely to interest the user.