Persian/farsi Language Keyboard Cover For Mac

Looking for how to add Arabic, Persian (or any other language) to your Mac? This post describes how to switch the keyboard layout on your Mac computer. Activating a Keyboard Layout on Mac: 1. Login to your account. Click on the Apple icon on the toolbar.

  1. Persian/farsi Language Keyboard Cover For Mac Download
  2. Persian/farsi Language Keyboard Cover For Macbook Pro
  3. Google Farsi Persian Language

Persian/farsi Language Keyboard Cover For Mac Download

Farsi keyboard windowsKeyboard

Choose System Preferences in the Apple menu. Select Language and Text.

Persian/farsi Language Keyboard Cover For Macbook Pro

In Language and Text click on Input Sources. By default US English is selected. From the list choose the languages you need. A US flag appears in the top-right side of the screen. If you click on it you can see the new languages you activated. You can switch to any language by choosing it from the keyboard layout menu, regardless of what software you are using. You can begin with one language and switch to another in the same document.

stextbox id=”info”Note: The only exception to this is Arabic on Microsoft Word. Arabic cannot be activated on Word.

Other scripts have no problem./stextbox 6. You can also activate Keyboard & Character Viewer in Input Sources. After activating Keyboard & Character Viewer you can open it in the Keyboard layout menu. Keyboard & Character Viewer enables you to see the activated keyboard layout on your screen.

Google Farsi Persian Language

You can also type using this on-screen keyboard.