Topic Tag: And Processing For Mac

Contributed libraries must be downloaded separately and placed within the libraries folder of your Processing sketchbook. For the newcomers, Processing programs are (often) called sketches ('quick drawings'), and consist (at least) of a.pde file in a folder, for example a CircleCollision.pde file in a CircleCollision folder. There can be more files, of course. The place where the sketches are grouped on your disk is called the sketchbook. To find (and change) the Processing sketchbook location on your computer, open the Preferences window from the Processing application (PDE) and look for the 'Sketchbook location' item at the top.

Copy the contributed library's folder into the libraries folder at this location. You will need to create the libraries folder if this is your first contributed library. By default the following locations are used for your sketchbook folder. For Mac users the sketchbook folder is located inside /Documents/Processing.

For Windows users the sketchbook folder is located inside folder My Documents/Processing Let's say you downloaded a library with name theLibrary. Then the folder structure of this library inside the libraries folder should look like the one below. The top folder of a library must have the same name as the.jar file located inside a library's library folder (minus the.jar extension): Documents. Processing your sketch folders libraries theLibrary examples library theLibrary.jar reference src Some folders like examples or src might be missing.

After a library has been successfully installed, restart Processing application. Still having trouble? In some cases the top folder of a library does not exist after extracting from the downloaded zip file. In this case, the top folder must be created manually and given the same name as the.jar file inside folder library. After creating and renaming the top folder, move all extracted folders from the zip file in there. For example, you downloaded the library the Library, then your folder structure should look like this: theLibrary examples library theLibrary.jar reference src now move theLibrary folder into the libraries folder and you should have a folder structure like this Processing your sketch folders libraries theLibrary examples library theLibrary.jar reference src After a library has been successfully installed, restart Processing application.

Topic Tag: And Processing For Mac Os

Andreas schlegel. I made some minor changes to this excellent explanation (adding 'your sketch folders', re-indenting the last part.) and made it sticky even if such information belongs to the wiki (already there: ) because lot of new comers will come to ask for help before looking the references. Well, they also often skip the stickies, but at least that makes two references to point to! (plus the info in the libraries page itself!). Update 2011-09-12 Added some explanation/vocabulary about sketches and sketchbook.

Considering getting a MAC ® device and also want to do configurations with e-config? Consider that e-config is a 32 bit Windows ® application. Currently there is no plan to provide a native MAC ® OS version of e-config.

A project the e-config team is currently working on is to evaluate whether we can provide a virtual environment whereby users can run e-config using a Windows ® virtual desktop initiated from multiple types of devices such as MAC ® and other iOS ® devices (iPad, iPhone), Android devices (tablets and phones) and Linux ® OS devices. If a viable solution can be provided it will not be available until sometime in 2016. Our recommendation at this time is if one of your primary job responsibilities is doing configurations using e-config, that you use a Windows ® OS device. Update: 6 November 2015 Our e-config virtualization pilot recently concluded with a group of about 15 e-config users from around the world. We evaluated software from Citrix ® that provides a virtualized Windows environment. We achieved what we had hoped to in the pilot, an evaluation of the software and better understanding as to whether it could provide a potential solution to those e-config users who wish to use e-config from non-Windows devices such as MacBooks ®.

Topic Tag: And Processing For Mac

So what's next? Watch this forum topic in our IBM Configurator Community for news updates and further information. We currently do not have a plan to make a Citrix ® virtualized environment available to e-config users wishing to use non-Windows ® devices.

Additional information for IBM Employees wishing to use e-config with MacBooks ®:. MAC ® users have used VMWare Fusion ® or Parallels ® to run e-config. Mac @ IBM Community: Additional information for all users: The only alternative available today is to purchase and use a virtual machine such as VMWare Fusion ® or Parallels ® and to purchase a Windows ® license.

These products are installed on the workstation. Using e-config is these environments is unsupported at this time. Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time.

The e-config application remains a native Windows application. Update: 4 January 2016 Because of inquiries from e-config users about support for MAC ® OS devices we will continue to update this forum topic as your source of information on this topic throughout 2016. Our current strategy is to expand the platform and access options for users while maintaining the general application characteristics of e-config. This will include evaluating potential solutions during 2016 such as VMWare Fusion ® or Parallels ® and if possible officially supporting one or more of those environments in the future.

Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time. Update: 9 March 2016 One of our projects during 2016 is to continue evaluating potential solutions during 2016 such as VMWare Fusion ® or Parallels ® and if possible officially supporting one or more of those environments in the future. This project is ongoing and we will continue to use this Forum topic to provide updates on this project. Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time. Update: 12 April 2016 We are procuring the necessary MAC hardware required to test potential solutions, support release testing, as well as, help desk problem tickets.

After the hardware is acquired and setup, plans for this testing will take place. Stay tuned to this Forum topic for future updates. Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time.

The e-config application remains a native Windows application. Update: 9 May 2016 We now have placed orders for the necessary MAC hardware required to test potential solutions, support release testing, as well as, help desk problem tickets.

After we receive the hardware and complete setup, plans for this testing will take place. Stay tuned to this Forum topic for future updates.

Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time. The e-config application remains a native Windows application. Update: 15 June 2016 This update from Ed Cordell: I switched my workstation from a Windows PC to a MacBook about a year ago to learn more about how e-config would work in this environment. I have a MacBook Pro with 8GB memory and 250GB solid state drive. I have VMWare Vision providing the virtual environment for running Windows 7. I also have Parallels but have spent much less time with it so far.

2) You will need to implement a way to move files between your virtual Windows environment and the MAC. Both Parallels and VMWare Fusion allow you to create a shared drive (which can be accessed by either OS), but I have been using Box and have installed Box Sync on both the OS. When I save files, I save to Box and it's auto-synced.

I am by no means an expert in this environment, but I have been able to find a way to make it work for me. Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time. The e-config application remains a native Windows application. Update: 25 July 2016 No changes in status from our 15 June 2016 update. Running e-config on a MAC device is unsupported at this time.

The e-config application remains a native Windows application. Use of emulation software on a non-Windows platform such as a MAC device is also not supported. The team is working on a planned date for this support. Update: 15 August 2016 Coming in September - Help Desk Support for e-config running on Virtualized Windows ® 7 on a MAC ® Device The IBM Configurator team is planning to announce in September new Help Desk support for users running in a virtualized Windows ® 7 Professional Edition environment on their MAC ® device. This new workstation environment for configurator users will be limited to specific software that provides a virtual Windows environment on a MAC device. Watch for more information next month on this announcement via this forum topic and our flash communications in this configurator community.


Topic Tag: And Processing For Macbook Pro

I use eConfig in Parallels environment. Everything works perfectly, but, actually, I run Windows 7 only for one application. All other applications, I use, work natively in Mac OS X.

I don't (and didn't) see any issues with eConfig in virtualized environment, everything works smoothly (as it works with Windows). Moreover, even the crashing Windows is not the cause of losing data, if you have a reserve copy of image. All files generated by eConfig I save directly on Mac drives, so there are no data in Windows at all. It may be sounded funny, but eConfig in Parallels works faster than native Windows. Maybe it because my VM configuration is 2 cores and RAM 4GB. I compare with my old Thinkpad T420 with RAM 8GB and may say that Parallels works faster.

Of course, course there are several causes, a flashdrive on Mac instead of classical spindel in Thinkpad, a bigger amount of RAM in Mac (but VM has in two times less RAM than Thinkpad), better processor, and eConfig is the only application in Windows instance. Nothing runs else. Bastien, thank you very much for sharing. We are currently working on a project called 'e-config Virtualization' which uses a product called Citrix(tm) for the Windows(tm) emulation on MACs, Android, and other non-Windows devices. Part of the project will be a pilot test. If we are able to offer the pilot test to IBM Business Partners, would you be interested in being a pilot participant? Just let me know here or reply on my IBM Connections profile on

I believe you are in my network. Thanks Bastien. Bastien, thank you very much for sharing. We are currently working on a project called 'e-config Virtualization' which uses a product called Citrix(tm) for the Windows(tm) emulation on MACs, Android, and other non-Windows devices. Part of the project will be a pilot test. If we are able to offer the pilot test to IBM Business Partners, would you be interested in being a pilot participant? Just let me know here or reply on my IBM Connections profile on

I believe you are in my network. Thanks Bastien. Hi Robert, Thank you for your comments. I'll add you to our list of interested pilot participants for the virtualization pilot. Our pilot project is evaluating a product from Citrix ® which is different than Fusion ® in that the virtual Windows ® desktop runs on a remote server and not the workstation. The product allows different set up options for us. For the pilot we are using a setting that requires users to use e-padm to update their virtual desktops including both e-config and price files versus having the server do all the updating.

It provides users the flexibility of controlling their own virtual environments. Again, thanks for your comments.