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I was Dana's favorite. I was the face she had seen in her dreams, the one the gods would send down from the mountain to please her. Because of this dream the clergy had declared me holy. I was crowned the pixie princess. I would bear the queen's royal children.

I would to bear her successor. But things did not go easy for me. I made Dana very unhappy. Of all her royal duties in the kingdom the one she enjoyed the most was breeding unicorns. She was obsessed with the beasts, and it was not just because they carried her warriors into battle. They were like pets to her, almost like children. Her love for them was excessive in the eyes of the gods.

Her skill at breeding them produced thousands each month, many more than was natural or even necessary. She placed artificial females made from wood along the perimeter of her unicorn pens. The decoys made sex available to the males at all times, something females only made available once a year in the wild. She used the decoys to turn the males into sex addicts. I wanted to know what was in these machines.

Dana was no normal queen. She was a sorceress, a little goddess. She was worshiped by all of the pixies of our domain. They prayed to her, and she answered. They prayed for rain, and the skies let loose their water to feed the forests. They prayed for protection from trolls, and she gave them dragon flies that stung their dark foes and drove them back into the shadows. They prayed for children, and the trees let lose their pollen to impregnate them with the next generation.

She found out about my curiosity, and it angered her. She suspected the gods had sent me to investigate her.

To punish me she commanded that I service the gnomes of the southern valley to occupy my spare time. I was obedient and let them relieve their sexual tensions in me, like a loyal vassal of the queen. But I knew my worth. I knew my beauty.

I was coveted by the tree spirits. Warriors who caught a glimpse of me stopped to stare as I passed on my steed.

I was hers to command, yes. I was the wife of the queen sent down by the gods, but I knew I was better than this. I was not put on this earth to service gnomes, even if it did help keep the peace in the realm. I believed I was sent here to learn the truth behind the unicorns.

One afternoon while Dana was engaged in diplomatic negotiations I implored my servants to take me to the breeding pens. I told them I wanted to see the unicorns. I pretended to be enthralled by the hundreds of males vying for their chance at one of the sex machines. I asked to be taken close enough to see one of the wooden decoys.

'Why are they so fascinated with them?' I asked one the servants. 'Are they solid wood? I imagine that would hurt.'

But they wouldn't answer. So I climbed the fence to inspect the machines myself. They were shaped like the rump of a female, expertly carved of wood and painted. But they weren't solid wood.

Looking at one up close I found a latch. 'Don't touch that, my lady,' said one of my servants. 'Dreadful things may be inside.' 'I want to see,' I said. 'I'm the princess, am I not? I pulled the latch and the machine opened to reveal a young, beautiful female woman inside. 'What is this?'

A unicorn steed mounted the machine. Its cock slid through an opening at the rear and penetrated her. It was huge, too large for the pixie to survive. It was longer than my arm.

But her body was able to take it all, a feat only powerful magic could have allowed. The servant slammed the access door shut. 'You are forbidden,' he said. I knew who the female was.

She was one of the queen's servants who had been caught stealing from the royal treasury. Then the queen was there. 'Well, what have you found, my precious girl?' She patted my ass. She opened the door to the machine so I could inside again. The animal was pounding her mercilessly, though it didn't seem to hurt the woman inside. 'Want to know how it feels?'

I knelt before her. 'You wanted to see what I was doing to breed my unicorns? Well, I was here waiting for you. I knew you were sent here by the gods to investigate me.

They sent you, yes? They were wondering what I was up to?

' 'My queen,' I said, 'I am here only to serve you.' 'Oh, you will serve me,' she said. 'I want to help you with your investigation. I want you to know everything.

Yes, I have a fetish for unicorns. I love to ride them.

My warriors prefer them in battle. But I need girls to help them stay active. The female unicorns are so picky about mating. The more active the males are, the more likely they are to breed when the opportunity presents itself. I need girls like you to help them stay active.' I was surrounded by a pack of her brush demons. These were magical warriors, woody beasts covered in sharp thorns that she could conjure to do her will.

They grabbed me and lifted me in the air. 'Tear off her clothes,' said the queen. 'She won't be needing them any longer.' The brush demons obeyed, ripping them off unceremoniously. 'Let this one out,' she said, and the brush demons released the servant girl from the wooden horse. 'I think she's learned her lesson.' They put me inside in her place.

'Don't do this,' I said as they strapped me into the machine. 'I was sent by the gods to bear your children.' 'So says my dream.

But we were all sent here by the gods, weren't we?' 'We were sent here to breed, and I want new colts to ride. I want a herd of healthy unicorns to serve in my army. This is what my wife will give me. These will be our children.' She checked the straps that held my mouth and ass in place.

'Your body will be used to train my favorite colts.' I heard her speak magical incantations. I did not understand them, but I understood their purpose.

'My machines never reject the needs of my studs, and I have a lot of young males who are just too active for my females. I want them to believe their every sexual advance will be honored without causing my female unicorns to die from exhaustion. They're too valuable. I'll let my boys relieve themselves in you during the day. Then at night, after they're exhausted, I'll let them mate with the females.' Dana had chosen a special breeding machine to punish me. Unlike the others that looked like the hind quarters of a unicorn, mine had hind quarters on either end.


One end allowed penetration of my ass while the other offered penetration of my mouth. My machine was positioned between two pens with a herd of young males in each one. I would serve double duty with both ends of me available at all times, both able to be mounted simultaneously. And mine was the only machine available. 'Their cocks are huge,' Dana said.

'They would kill a little princess like you. But don't worry, my magic will protect you. Your body will stretch to accept their massive size. You should be honored. I have made you a part of a very important process to our kingdom.' She slapped me on the ass.

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'And I want you to meditate on the consequences of your curiosity while their beastly members cumm inside you. I want you to imagine what I'm doing with the ladies I entertain in my palace. Think about all the beautiful women who are enjoying your place in my bed while my pets enjoy filling your holes. Remember this always, bitch. You cannot defy me. Gnome cock wasn't good enough for you? Well, now you serve at an even lower level, pleasing these beasts.

You don't want those horny males hurting my favorite female pets, do you? You'll let them exhaust themselves in you first, won't you?' 'My rescuer will come,' I said.

'I will be free from this tyranny.' 'Oh I don't think so. Once the fucking starts you won't want to leave. My magic will make this sex too pleasurable for you to want that.' The sex machine closed around me.

I was pinned inside. My hands and feet were strapped in. I could not move my face or my groin. I knew a unicorn cock would enter soon, and I was afraid. A unicorn cock was large enough to destroy my throat. Astonishing marble wallpaper for mac hd. I would choke to death on it.

But Dana's spell was powerful. And when the first cock pressed against my mouth, I opened it without resisting.

Her magic allowed my throat to stretch to accommodate it. Her magic allowed me to breathe with my throat completely blocked. I could take it deeper than seemed possible. It allowed me to take it even though my anatomy barely accommodated its length. Its head penetrated deeper than my throat. It poked past my rib cage.

Her magic kept me alive as the tip pounded against my internal organs. There was a smaller inspection door on the machine next to my face that Dana had opened so she could watch. 'You like it, yes?'

She was right, I loved it. I wanted it to fuck my face. 'I envy you, you know? All this unicorn cock fucking you. I wish I was in your place.' Then she laughed as the beast unleashed its orgasm.

The cumm was too much for me to contain, and it poured off my chin into the bottom of the machine. 'Just a joke.

I'll leave this job to you. But don't worry, I'll be back in a few months to check on you. Happy guzzling.' The machine was designed to guide their cocks into my mouth at one end and my ass at the other.

I spent my days being pounding in my ass and my mouth almost constantly. The beasts were young and needed relief from their sexual tensions many times a day. My colon stretched to accommodate their long broad dicks.

My mouth and throat stretched like an engorged snake, my jaw seeming to dislocate from my skull. Their tips penetrated deep thanks to Dana's magic. Their tips thrust against my internal organs mercilessly, crossing and colliding inside me as they had their way with me. My insides were ground between the beasts.

If it wasn't for her spells I would have died from this treatment. I would have choked. They would have destroyed my body. But her magic preserved me. It made the abuse quite pleasurable.

'Oh, they like her,' I heard Dana say to one of her friends weeks after I was locked inside. 'Do you like the taste of their cumm?' She asked me. They had cum in me many times since that first day.

When the unicorn fucking my face withdrew I shouted from inside, 'I love it. 'I'll have my servants add ten more to each pen. Will that make you happy?' There had been breaks between the fuckings.

Some were long enough that I could fall asleep and rest. 'Add a hundred,' I cried from inside the machine. 'A thousand.' 'You are hungry, aren't you? Maybe I'll let them all have at you. But only ten more for now.

I need you to stay hungry, girl.' 'Please,' I said. 'Don't spare me!' A unicorn drove its cock deep into my mouth and shut me up. 'They really like you, you know. My servants say you've become more popular than the female unicorns. They love how you feel.

But I hate to see their breeding numbers drop.' The cock came more often now, but they stopped releasing their loads deep in my throat as they had before. Now as they reached orgasm they brought their tips to my mouth thrusting rapidly over my tongue. It was unnatural.

If they were trying to impregnate a female, a deep penetration would have been the best chance for procreation. But this was Dana's magic. She was making them behave this way. Their cumm would gush over my tongue. 'They'll fuck your face this way from now on so you can enjoy the bitterness of their loads,' she said. 'I want you to taste it.' I wanted to thank her, but there wasn't a break long enough to speak.

The beasts had formed a line at my mouth. There was no time to speak between penetrations. There were so many and they came so often I couldn't contain their cumm.

Their seed dribbled from of my mouth despite my attempts to swallow. Luckily Dana's machine included a tube inserted in my mouth that pumped all of the cumm that found its way to the bottom back up. I could either swallow now or let it be pumped across my tongue over and over again.

And I wanted to swallow it, because every bit I drank made me hornier. Another effect of her magic. Dana brought her friends to visit sometimes.

They would open the hatch and watch as the studs had their way with my face and ass. They would giggle and cheer as the studs pounded me mercilessly from each end. Sometimes they would become so aroused by my predicament that they would lay out blankets and have sex with each other while they watched. After years of being fucked by the beasts I heard Dana outside complaining that the number of unicorn offspring had dropped.

She whispered into the machine. 'They like you better than the real thing. But my warriors need mounts to patrol my kingdom. I know you like them inside you, but my kingdom requires healthy mounts to protect it. Should I sacrifice the safety of my domain for the sake of your pleasure?'

The steed fucking my face made it impossible for me to answer her. 'I'm sorry, princess,' she said, 'but I have no choice.' There was a ratchetting sound. The harness around my waist pulled my lower torso higher.

The cocks were no longer finding my ass. Now they penetrated my pussy. 'I've fed you long enough, bitch. Now it's time for some payback.

Time to truly serve your queen.' Their huge cocks brought me to orgasm for the first time in years. 'You're not naturally compatible with unicorn seed of course, but I've found a spell that will take care of that. Your womb will carry their young. Their children will grow inside you, and you will give birth to them for me.' 'You are huge,' said Dana when she opened my machine to inspect me a few days later. Her magic made me an efficient incubator.

'Have you been fucking unicorns?' My belly was massive, stretched near the point of breaking. 'Time to push,' she said. And when I pushed a baby unicorn slid out of my cunt. If it wasn't for her magic the process would have killed me. But the new colt came out easily, sliding through a trap door at the bottom of the machine onto the ground.

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Doors were added to the machine beneath my breasts. When Dana opened them my engorged tits were exposed so the baby could feed. My ability to bear young was unnaturally fast.

I gave birth so often it seemed like their cocks would withdraw from my pussy and a colt would fall out. Dana's magic made my womb regenerate rapidly so I was instantly ready for my next impregnation.

I would be an empty vessel one moment, and a pregnant mother the next. Then a few days later I would be pushing out a baby unicorn. Soon I had mouths feeding constantly at both of my breasts while studs fucked me from both ends.

'Good girl,' said the queen, patting me on the butt. 'Your children are growing up to be some of the strongest in the land.

I'll put your biggest boys back in the breeding pens with you so we can encourage the size of the breed.' 'My breeding pen?' 'Yes, yours is the only breeding pen now,' she replied. 'You are the most virile breeder I've ever had. Your girls are more active than the naturally born.

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No need to waste seed on inferior female stock. While your boys are 6the strongest. Don't worry, I've mark your boys to let you know that you're being fucked by your own children. They're the ones with red manes.' Holes had been cut in the body of the machine so I could see out. There were only red maned unicorns in the pen.

Eventually all warrior unicorns had red manes. The strongest stags preferred my vagina over all others. The cumm I drank that sustained me came from my son's cocks.

The children I birthed were sired by my children. Lords from across the kingdom brought their red maned sires to breed mounts from my loins. They wanted the magic unicorn machine to bring them superior mounts for their knights.

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Mine were the strongest, the most sought after. And I was more than happy to fulfill their wishes. As the years passed the whole world became filled with red maned unicorns, and I was mother to them all. is updated by our users community with new Ebony Fucking GIFs every day! We have the largest library of xxx GIFs on the web. Build your Ebony Fucking porno collection all for FREE! is made for adult by Ebony Fucking porn lover like you.

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